《Super LRC Player》隐私政策(Privacy Policy)
  • 《Super LRC Player》软件承诺严格遵守法律法规,遵循以下隐私保护原则,为您提供更安全可靠的服务:
  • 一、本软件不收集任何信息
  • 二、本软件不分享、不转让、不披露任何信息
  • 三、本软件的功能限定(即:本软件只包含以下功能)
  • (一)打开您选择的mp3文件用于播放
  • (二)打开您选择的lrc文件用于显示对应歌词
  • (三)循环播放、随机播放、顺序播放您所选择的mp3和lrc文件
  • 四、特殊说明:本隐私政策中与本网站其他隐藏政策冲突的,以本隐私政策为准。

Super LRC Player Privacy Policy
  • Super LRC Player software promises to strictly abide by the laws and regulations and follow the following privacy protection principles to provide you with more secure and reliable services:
  • 1. This software does not collect any information.
  • 2. This software does not share, transfer or disclose any information.
  • 3. Function limitation of the software (i.e. the software only includes the following functions):
  • (1) Open the MP3 file you choosed for playback
  • (2) Open the LRC file you choosed to display the corresponding lyrics
  • (3) Loop play, random play, sequence play the mp3(s) and lrc(s) you choosed
  • 4. Special note: in case of any conflict between this Privacy Policy and other hidden policies of this website, this Privacy Policy shall prevail.

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Super LRC Player软件隐私政策


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